模型3.1. Processes3.1.1. Dump3.1.2. Load3.2. Information Models3.2.1. Representation Graph3.2.1.1. Nodes3.2.1.2. Tags3.2.1.3. Node Comparison3.2.2. Serialization Tree3.2.2.1. Mapping Key Order3.2.2.2. Anchors and Aliases3.2.3. Presentation Stream3.2.3.1. Node Styles3.2.3.2. Scalar Formats3.2.3.3. Comments3.2.3.4. Directives3.3. Loading Failure Points3.3.1. Well-Formed Streams and Identified Aliases3.3.2. Resolved Tags3.3.3. Recognized and Valid Tags3.3.4. Available Tags
YAML is both a text format and a method for presenting any native data structure in this format. Therefore, this specification defines two concepts: a class of data objects called YAML representations and a syntax for presenting YAML representations as a series of characters, called a YAML stream.
A YAML processor is a tool for converting information between these complementary views. It is assumed that a YAML processor does its work on behalf of another module, called an application. This chapter describes the information structures a YAML processor must provide to or obtain from the application.
YAML information is used in two ways: for machine processing and for human consumption. The challenge of reconciling these two perspectives is best done in three distinct translation stages: representation, serialization and presentation. Representation addresses how YAML views native data structures to achieve portability between programming environments. Serialization concerns itself with turning a YAML representation into a serial form, that is, a form with sequential access constraints. Presentation deals with the formatting of a YAML serialization as a series of characters in a human-friendly manner.
Translating between native data structures and a character stream is done in several logically distinct stages, each with a well defined input and output data model, as shown in the following diagram:
Figure 3.1. Processing Overview
A YAML processor need not expose the serialization or representation stages. It may translate directly between native data structures and a character stream (dump and load in the diagram above). However, such a direct translation should take place so that the native data structures are constructed only from information available in the representation. In particular, mapping key order, comments and tag handles should not be referenced during construction.
Dumping native data structures to a character stream is done using the following three stages:
Representing Native Data Structures
YAML represents any native data structure using three node kinds: sequence - an ordered series of entries; mapping - an unordered association of unique keys to values; and scalar - any datum with opaque structure presentable as a series of Unicode characters.
Combined, these primitives generate directed graph structures. These primitives were chosen because they are both powerful and familiar: the sequence corresponds to a Perl array and a Python list, the mapping corresponds to a Perl hash table and a Python dictionary. The scalar represents strings, integers, dates and other atomic data types.
Each YAML node requires, in addition to its kind and content, a tag specifying its data type. Type specifiers are either global URIs or are local in scope to a single application. For example, an integer is represented in YAML with a scalar plus the global tag “tag:yaml.org,2002:int
”. Similarly, an invoice object, particular to a given organization, could be represented as a mapping together with the local tag “!invoice
”. This simple model can represent any data structure independent of programming language.
Serializing the Representation Graph
For sequential access mediums, such as an event callback API, a YAML representation must be serialized to an ordered tree. Since in a YAML representation, mapping keys are unordered and nodes may be referenced more than once (have more than one incoming “arrow”), the serialization process is required to impose an ordering on the mapping keys and to replace the second and subsequent references to a given node with place holders called aliases. YAML does not specify how these serialization details are chosen. It is up to the YAML processor to come up with human-friendly key order and anchor names, possibly with the help of the application. The result of this process, a YAML serialization tree, can then be traversed to produce a series of event calls for one-pass processing of YAML data.
Presenting the Serialization Tree
The final output process is presenting the YAML serializations as a character stream in a human-friendly manner. To maximize human readability, YAML offers a rich set of stylistic options which go far beyond the minimal functional needs of simple data storage. Therefore the YAML processor is required to introduce various presentation details when creating the stream, such as the choice of node styles, how to format scalar content, the amount of indentation, which tag handles to use, the node tags to leave unspecified, the set of directives to provide and possibly even what comments to add. While some of this can be done with the help of the application, in general this process should be guided by the preferences of the user.
Loading native data structures from a character stream is done using the following three stages:
Parsing the Presentation Stream
Parsing is the inverse process of presentation, it takes a stream of characters and produces a serialization tree. Parsing discards all the details introduced in the presentation process, reporting only the serialization tree. Parsing can fail due to ill-formed input.
Composing the Representation Graph
Composing takes a serialization tree and produces a representation graph. Composing discards all the details introduced in the serialization process, producing only the representation graph. Composing can fail due to any of several reasons, detailed below.
Constructing Native Data Structures
The final input process is constructing native data structures from the YAML representation. Construction must be based only on the information available in the representation and not on additional serialization or presentation details such as comments, directives, mapping key order, node styles, scalar content format, indentation levels etc. Construction can fail due to the unavailability of the required native data types.
This section specifies the formal details of the results of the above processes. To maximize data portability between programming languages and implementations, users of YAML should be mindful of the distinction between serialization or presentation properties and those which are part of the YAML representation. Thus, while imposing a order on mapping keys is necessary for flattening YAML representations to a sequential access medium, this serialization detail must not be used to convey application level information. In a similar manner, while indentation technique and a choice of a node style are needed for the human readability, these presentation details are neither part of the YAML serialization nor the YAML representation. By carefully separating properties needed for serialization and presentation, YAML representations of application information will be consistent and portable between various programming environments.
The following diagram summarizes the three information models. Full arrows denote composition, hollow arrows denote inheritance, “1
” and “*
” denote “one” and “many” relationships. A single “+
” denotes serialization details, a double “++
” denotes presentation details.
Figure 3.2. Information Models
YAML’s representation of native data structure is a rooted, connected, directed graph of tagged nodes. By “directed graph” we mean a set of nodes and directed edges (“arrows”), where each edge connects one node to another (see a formal directed graph definition13). All the nodes must be reachable from the root node via such edges. Note that the YAML graph may include cycles and a node may have more than one incoming edge.
Nodes that are defined in terms of other nodes are collections; nodes that are independent of any other nodes are scalars. YAML supports two kinds of collection nodes: sequences and mappings. Mapping nodes are somewhat tricky because their keys are unordered and must be unique.
Figure 3.3. Representation Model
A YAML node represents a single native data structure. Such nodes have content of one of three kinds: scalar, sequence or mapping. In addition, each node has a tag which serves to restrict the set of possible values the content can have.
The content of a scalar node is an opaque datum that can be presented as a series of zero or more Unicode characters.
The content of a sequence node is an ordered series of zero or more nodes. In particular, a sequence may contain the same node more than once. It could even contain itself.
The content of a mapping node is an unordered set of key/value node pairs, with the restriction that each of the keys is unique. YAML places no further restrictions on the nodes. In particular, keys may be arbitrary nodes, the same node may be used as the value of several key/value pairs and a mapping could even contain itself as a key or a value.
YAML represents type information of native data structures with a simple identifier, called a tag. Global tags are URIs and hence globally unique across all applications. The “tag:
” URI scheme14 is recommended for all global YAML tags. In contrast, local tags are specific to a single application. Local tags start with “!
”, are not URIs and are not expected to be globally unique. YAML provides a “TAG
” directive to make tag notation less verbose; it also offers easy migration from local to global tags. To ensure this, local tags are restricted to the URI character set and use URI character escaping.
YAML does not mandate any special relationship between different tags that begin with the same substring. Tags ending with URI fragments (containing “#
”) are no exception; tags that share the same base URI but differ in their fragment part are considered to be different, independent tags. By convention, fragments are used to identify different “variants” of a tag, while “/
” is used to define nested tag “namespace” hierarchies. However, this is merely a convention and each tag may employ its own rules. For example, Perl tags may use “::
” to express namespace hierarchies, Java tags may use “.
”, etc.
YAML tags are used to associate meta information with each node. In particular, each tag must specify the expected node kind (scalar, sequence or mapping). Scalar tags must also provide a mechanism for converting formatted content to a canonical form for supporting equality testing. Furthermore, a tag may provide additional information such as the set of allowed content values for validation, a mechanism for tag resolution or any other data that is applicable to all of the tag’s nodes.
Since YAML mappings require key uniqueness, representations must include a mechanism for testing the equality of nodes. This is non-trivial since YAML allows various ways to format scalar content. For example, the integer eleven can be written as “0o13
” (octal) or “0xB
” (hexadecimal). If both notations are used as keys in the same mapping, only a YAML processor which recognizes integer formats would correctly flag the duplicate key as an error.
Canonical Form
YAML supports the need for scalar equality by requiring that every scalar tag must specify a mechanism for producing the canonical form of any formatted content. This form is a Unicode character string which also presents the same content and can be used for equality testing.
Two nodes must have the same tag and content to be equal. Since each tag applies to exactly one kind, this implies that the two nodes must have the same kind to be equal.
Two scalars are equal only when their tags and canonical forms are equal character-by-character. Equality of collections is defined recursively.
Two sequences are equal only when they have the same tag and length and each node in one sequence is equal to the corresponding node in the other sequence.
Two mappings are equal only when they have the same tag and an equal set of keys and each key in this set is associated with equal values in both mappings.
Different URI schemes may define different rules for testing the equality of URIs. Since a YAML processor cannot be reasonably expected to be aware of them all, it must resort to a simple character-by-character comparison of tags to ensure consistency. This also happens to be the comparison method defined by the “tag:
” URI scheme. Tags in a YAML stream must therefore be presented in a canonical way so that such comparison would yield the correct results.
If a node has itself as a descendant (via an alias), then determining the equality of that node is implementation-defined.
A YAML processor may treat equal scalars as if they were identical.
A mapping’s keys are unique if no two keys are equal to each other. Obviously, identical nodes are always considered equal.
To express a YAML representation using a serial API, it is necessary to impose an order on mapping keys and employ alias nodes to indicate a subsequent occurrence of a previously encountered node. The result of this process is a serialization tree, where each node has an ordered set of children. This tree can be traversed for a serial event-based API. Construction of native data structures from the serial interface should not use key order or anchor names for the preservation of application data.
Figure 3.4. Serialization Model
In the representation model, mapping keys do not have an order. To serialize a mapping, it is necessary to impose an ordering on its keys. This order is a serialization detail and should not be used when composing the representation graph (and hence for the preservation of application data). In every case where node order is significant, a sequence must be used. For example, an ordered mapping can be represented as a sequence of mappings, where each mapping is a single key/value pair. YAML provides convenient compact notation for this case.
In the representation graph, a node may appear in more than one collection. When serializing such data, the first occurrence of the node is identified by an anchor. Each subsequent occurrence is serialized as an alias node which refers back to this anchor. Otherwise, anchor names are a serialization detail and are discarded once composing is completed. When composing a representation graph from serialized events, an alias event refers to the most recent event in the serialization having the specified anchor. Therefore, anchors need not be unique within a serialization. In addition, an anchor need not have an alias node referring to it.
A YAML presentation is a stream of Unicode characters making use of styles, scalar content formats, comments, directives and other presentation details to present a YAML serialization in a human readable way. YAML allows several serialization trees to be contained in the same YAML presentation stream, as a series of documents separated by markers.
Figure 3.5. Presentation Model
Each node is presented in some style, depending on its kind. The node style is a presentation detail and is not reflected in the serialization tree or representation graph. There are two groups of styles. Block styles use indentation to denote structure. In contrast, flow styles rely on explicit indicators.
YAML provides a rich set of scalar styles. Block scalar styles include the literal style and the folded style. Flow scalar styles include the plain style and two quoted styles, the single-quoted style and the double-quoted style. These styles offer a range of trade-offs between expressive power and readability.
Normally, block sequences and mappings begin on the next line. In some cases, YAML also allows nested block collections to start in-line for a more compact notation. In addition, YAML provides a compact notation for flow mappings with a single key/value pair, nested inside a flow sequence. These allow for a natural “ordered mapping” notation.
Figure 3.6. Kind/Style Combinations
YAML allows scalars to be presented in several formats. For example, the integer “11
” might also be written as “0xB
”. Tags must specify a mechanism for converting the formatted content to a canonical form for use in equality testing. Like node style, the format is a presentation detail and is not reflected in the serialization tree and representation graph.
Comments are a presentation detail and must not have any effect on the serialization tree or representation graph. In particular, comments are not associated with a particular node. The usual purpose of a comment is to communicate between the human maintainers of a file. A typical example is comments in a configuration file. Comments must not appear inside scalars, but may be interleaved with such scalars inside collections.
Each document may be associated with a set of directives. A directive has a name and an optional sequence of parameters. Directives are instructions to the YAML processor and like all other presentation details are not reflected in the YAML serialization tree or representation graph. This version of YAML defines two directives, “YAML
” and “TAG
”. All other directives are reserved for future versions of YAML.
The process of loading native data structures from a YAML stream has several potential failure points. The character stream may be ill-formed, aliases may be unidentified, unspecified tags may be unresolvable, tags may be unrecognized, the content may be invalid, mapping keys may not be unique and a native type may be unavailable. Each of these failures results with an incomplete loading.
A partial representation need not resolve the tag of each node and the canonical form of formatted scalar content need not be available. This weaker representation is useful for cases of incomplete knowledge of the types used in the document.
In contrast, a complete representation specifies the tag of each node and provides the canonical form of formatted scalar content, allowing for equality testing. A complete representation is required in order to construct native data structures.
Figure 3.7. Loading Failure Points
A well-formed character stream must match the BNF productions specified in the following chapters. Successful loading also requires that each alias shall refer to a previous node identified by the anchor. A YAML processor should reject ill-formed streams and unidentified aliases. A YAML processor may recover from syntax errors, possibly by ignoring certain parts of the input, but it must provide a mechanism for reporting such errors.
Typically, most tags are not explicitly specified in the character stream. During parsing, nodes lacking an explicit tag are given a non-specific tag: “!
” for non-plain scalars and “?
” for all other nodes. Composing a complete representation requires each such non-specific tag to be resolved to a specific tag, be it a global tag or a local tag.
Resolving the tag of a node must only depend on the following three parameters: (1) the non-specific tag of the node, (2) the path leading from the root to the node and (3) the content (and hence the kind) of the node. When a node has more than one occurrence (using aliases), tag resolution must depend only on the path to the first (anchored) occurrence of the node.
Note that resolution must not consider presentation details such as comments, indentation and node style. Also, resolution must not consider the content of any other node, except for the content of the key nodes directly along the path leading from the root to the resolved node. Finally, resolution must not consider the content of a sibling node in a collection or the content of the value node associated with a key node being resolved.
These rules ensure that tag resolution can be performed as soon as a node is first encountered in the stream, typically before its content is parsed. Also, tag resolution only requires referring to a relatively small number of previously parsed nodes. Thus, in most cases, tag resolution in one-pass processors is both possible and practical.
YAML processors should resolve nodes having the “!
” non-specific tag as “tag:yaml.org,2002:seq
”, “tag:yaml.org,2002:map
” or “tag:yaml.org,2002:str
” depending on their kind. This tag resolution convention allows the author of a YAML character stream to effectively “disable” the tag resolution process. By explicitly specifying a “!
” non-specific tag property, the node would then be resolved to a “vanilla” sequence, mapping or string, according to its kind.
Application specific tag resolution rules should be restricted to resolving the “?
” non-specific tag, most commonly to resolving plain scalars. These may be matched against a set of regular expressions to provide automatic resolution of integers, floats, timestamps and similar types. An application may also match the content of mapping nodes against sets of expected keys to automatically resolve points, complex numbers and similar types. Resolved sequence node types such as the “ordered mapping” are also possible.
That said, tag resolution is specific to the application. YAML processors should therefore provide a mechanism allowing the application to override and expand these default tag resolution rules.
If a document contains unresolved tags, the YAML processor is unable to compose a complete representation graph. In such a case, the YAML processor may compose a partial representation, based on each node’s kind and allowing for non-specific tags.
To be valid, a node must have a tag which is recognized by the YAML processor and its content must satisfy the constraints imposed by this tag. If a document contains a scalar node with an unrecognized tag or invalid content, only a partial representation may be composed. In contrast, a YAML processor can always compose a complete representation for an unrecognized or an invalid collection, since collection equality does not depend upon knowledge of the collection’s data type. However, such a complete representation cannot be used to construct a native data structure.
In a given processing environment, there need not be an available native type corresponding to a given tag. If a node’s tag is unavailable, a YAML processor will not be able to construct a native data structure for it. In this case, a complete representation may still be composed and an application may wish to use this representation directly.